
Sarah Elliott

Certified Life Coach, Psychotherapist in Training & Fitness Instructor

Let me start by saying I never thought 6 years ago that my simple vision of helping people feel good & perform well would grow into such a fulfilling career path & successful business venture, but hey, sometimes life’s greatest gifts are the unplanned & unintentional ones!

What was once an idea of bringing a service to people needing some direction, motivation, structure and support has blossomed into a community of clients and professionals working side by side to create sustainable wellbeing through enhanced mental performance. With hundreds of clients served, retreats hosted across the globe, corporate workshops executed with multinational businesses and collaborations with industry leading experts, Vault has grown to be a place I am so deeply proud of and want to welcome you to be apart of.

A little about what got my here…

Throughout my 20s I had personally experienced my share of therapy (when I needed to do some deeper healing), searched out mentors at work (when I needed guidance and directional career advice) but what I felt I was missing was a slightly more action-oriented experience that still enabled self-discovery and insight.

I needed something different to find my sense of direction in life (I was feeling slightly lost to say the least) and to create fulfilment within my career, my relationships and most importantly with myself (insert authentic confidence here!). But what I think it really came down to was wanting to have a safe, structured and collaborative space to explore myself and my ideas.

I’d heard about coaching so thought I’d give it a go and I hired a coach who was credible, authentic, caring and challenging and the next thing I knew, 8 months and 14 sessions later, I had accomplished 3 important goals:

1.) clarity and progress in my ideas of what I wanted my life to look and be like

2.) new discovery and deeper understanding of myself and how I show up in the world (triggers are my FAVE topic!)

3.) I’d found my very own life’s calling (corny but true): Coaching

Upon completing my first series as a coaching client I just knew that I wanted to be on the other side of the ‘table’ and to provide this experience to others. I had experienced such momentum in those 8 months, felt more sure of myself and where I was headed and that clarity gave me the confidence to make more bold brave decisions.

I qualified as a life coach while still working my full time corporate job and then Vault was born (ask me how I came up with the name in our first session), The vision? give people the same gift I was given: the time and space to create a mindset that can carry you through all life’s challenges, .

6 years on, I have found that coaching is where my skills and passion align. And I have continued to add different qualifications to my repertoire in order to best serve my clients: I am certified by the International Coaching Federation, have two certificates in both Mindfulness Meditation and NeuroMindfulness Coaching and most recently completed my post graduate diploma in Psychotherapy, over the span of 3 years, at Regents University of London, alongside completing a 1 year clinical placement.

I integrate all my credentials, learnings, corporate and life experience into the specific ‘Vault’ approach to support my clients growth. You’ll still set the specific intentions of what you want to get out of our work and time together but what I guarantee is for you to see an improvement in your mental performance in all areas of your life:

-Being better able to face into difficult conversations (ie. leading negative feedback sessions or receiving bad news from a friend)

-Being more equipped to process stress and anxiety

-Making more value-aligned decisions

-Learning to be more accepting of yourself and others and seeing the value you bring to both

-Learning how to master the art and balance of: self reflection, present mindfulness and forward thinking planning

I hope while reading this I’ve sparked your interest even more to reach out and invite you to action this curiosity by booking in a complimentary intro session together to explore what coaching together could be like.

And finally, I leave you with my most trusted and resonating quote:

Where focus goes, energy flows

Mike Densmore

Certified Life & Career Coach

After 7 years of HR Strategy Consulting experience and an accredited coaching certification through the University of Cambridge, Mike has joined Vault as a mindset development and transition coach. Whether it's a new job, a new lifestyle, a new relationship, or even fine tuning your skills to gain more joy from your current relationships, Mike is here to support you along the way. His aim is to help you find clarity towards whatever life or dream it is you want to start living. He stands by the motto that life's an illusion caused by each of our own perceptions and he focuses on fine-tuning clients self perceptions to better achieve their goals.



Dr Lucy Atcheson

Consultant Psychologist

Dr Lucy is a consultant psychologist with 20 years experience. She has a doctorate in psychotherapeutic and counselling psychology and a masters in the anthropology of child development. Lucy works with adults and young people struggling with: anxiety, depression, addiction, ADHD, bullying eating disorders, addiction, low self esteem, high insecurity and self doubt, stress, burn out, relationship issues and trauma.

Based in her Harley St and South London practice Dr Lucy Atcheson is one of London’s leading counselling psychologists for mental health issues. Dr Lucy Atcheson is the author of Your Relationship a Work in Progress, a practical four week course self help book – published by Hay House. As well as Anxiety Attacks also published by Hay House. Dr Lucy has appeared on many TV and radio shows as an anxiety expert, including “Panic Room”.